Wednesday, July 7, 2010

can't speak to the public

i have a presentation for PUBLIC SPEAKING on monday! i did it badly! i hate my performance.
I am so nervous when i go to the front and i forget everything.WTH
i feel like wanna dig a hole and hide my head.
how to overcome this problem?
anyway,i asked for the lecturer's comment after i had done my presentation. she said she really like my topic. this i need to thanks to my sexy babe shu ying! my topic is Slavery in Malaysia. she told me a story about this so i choose this as my topic. thank you, tan shu ying! my lecturer also said she know i am nervous but i try to overcome it so she will give me some marks on that because at least i try! she said my introduction is good but not enough content for the last point. it is all the government fault. the last point is about action taken by the government against slavery.i try to search for the information from the internet but i get nothing.prove that the government do NOTHING!
anyway, it already a pass. just try to do better next time. hope i won't be so nervous when i go to work. god bless~
show you a photo of me :

an ugly and embarrassing one.

today is a public holiday for PENANG state for an unknown reason.
so i will rest as much as possible~i am not going to join the crowd!



  1. fear of crowd huh? dont worry, u will get over it soon! my presentation sucks as well!!!
    u still got time to prepare urself!

  2. you are taking nursing,presentation is not that important for compare to mine.i am taking PR leh!!
